API: Claim
API: Claim
GET /api/v3/claim
Request parameter:
Filtering parameters:
Parameter | Type | IN | Example | Description |
branch | integer | QUERY | filters[branch]=34 | Filtering by branch id = value |
policy | integer | QUERY | filters[policy]=123 | Filtering by policy id = value |
status | integer | QUERY | filters[status]=123 | Filtering by claims status id = value |
API: _ Default behavior#List defaults
Response data:
Metadata: object.
Parameter | Type | Description |
count | int | Number of all results marching criteria |
status | int | Response status (same as in http code) |
Data: object.data[array]
Parameter | Out Type | In Type | Description |
id | integer | Policy id | |
nr | string|null | string(255)|null | Policy nr |
date_time | string|null | string(date)|null | Claim date-time |
archived_at | string|null | string(date)|null | Archive date (null=not archived) |
policy | array | int|null | APi: Policy data |
policy[id] | integer | Policy id | |
policy[nr] | string|null | Policy nr | |
branch | array | int|null | API: Branch |
branch[name] | string|null | Branch name in DE language | |
branch[name_e] | string|null | Branch name in EN language | |
branch[name_i] | string|null | Branch name in IT language | |
branch[name_f] | string|null | Branch name in FR language | |
branch[short_name] | string|null | Branch short-name in DE language | |
branch[short_name_e] | string|null | Branch short-name in EN language | |
branch[short_name_i] | string|null | Branch short-name in IT language | |
branch[short_name_f] | string|null | Branch short-name in FR language | |
status | array | int|null | Claim status |
status[id] | integer|null | Status id | |
status[name] | string|null | Status name in DE language | |
status[name_e] | string|null | Status name in EN language | |
status[name_i] | string|null | Status name in IT language | |
status[name_f] | string|null | Status name in FR language | |
created_from | string|null | string|null | App name that created claim (default API) Recomended to send in format: "API:Version" like BrokerWeb:2.12 |
Response (Error):
Parameter | Type | Description |
code | integer | An error code |
error | string | A message containing some information about the error |
errors | array | List of errors devided by field in associative array {field_name:error message} |
API: _ Default behavior #Authentication defaults
curl -X GET https://public.brokerstar.biz/api/v3/claim --header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9.eyJpYXQiOjE2NTg[...]cm5hbWUiOiJkZW1vLWRlIn0.VTVp[...]cqIg'
Response (Success)
200 OK { "count": "12", "data": [ { "id": 2, "nr": "321", "date_time": null, "archived_at": "2022-08-10T00:00:00+02:00", "policy": { "id": 20305, "nr": "15.335.064" }, "branch": { "name_e": "Motor vehicle", "name_f": "Véhicule automobile", "name_i": "Veicolo a motore", "short_name": "MF", "short_name_e": "MF", "short_name_f": "MF", "short_name_i": "MF", "id": 34, "name": "Motorfahrzeug" }, "status": { "name_e": "open", "name_f": "ouvert", "name_i": "aperto", "id": 1, "name": "offen" }, "created_from": "BrokerWeb:2.12" } ], "status": 200 }
Or one of
- API: _ Default behavior #Authentication defaults
- API: _ Default behavior #List defaults
GET /api/v3/claim/{id}
Request parameter:
Parameter | Type | In | Description |
id | int | url | id of requested claim |
Response data:
Metadata: object.
Parameter | Type | Description |
status | int | Response status (same as in http code) |
Data: object.data
Parameter | Out Type | In Type | Description |
All of Get all claims + | |||
registration_date | string|null | string(date)|null | Registration date |
limitation_date | string|null | string(date)|null | Limitation date |
due_date | string|null | string(date)|null | Due date |
damage_costs | string|null | string(date)|null | Damage costs |
info | string|null | string(65534)|null | Claim information |
post_code | string|null | string(30)|null | Post code |
city | string|null | string(30)|null | City |
address | string|null | string(255)|null | Address |
situation | string|null | string(65534)|null | Situation |
policy_report | int|null | int|null | Does it has policy report (0=no,1=yes) |
reporter | string|null | string(255)|null | Reporter |
agency_deductible | string|null | float(15,2)|null | Agency deductible |
deductible | string|null | float(15,2)|null | Deductible |
foreign_deductible | string|null | float(15,2)|null | Foreign daductible |
foreign_damage_costs | string|null | float(15,2)|null | Foreign damage costs |
coverage_disability | string|null | float(5,2)|null | Coverage disabillity |
waiting_period | string|null | int|null | Waiting Period (days) |
daily_allowance | string|null | float(15,4)|null | Daily allowance |
country | array | int|null | Damage country |
country[id] | int|null | Country id | |
country[name] | string|null | Country name in DE language | |
country[name_e] | string|null | Country name in EN language | |
country[name_i] | string|null | Country name in IT language | |
country[name_f] | string|null | Country name in FR language |
Response (Error):
Parameter | Type | Description |
code | integer | An error code |
error | string | A message containing some information about the error |
errors | array | List of errors devided by field in associative array {field_name:error message} |
curl -X GET https://public.brokerstar.biz/api/v3/claim/16448 --header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9.eyJpYXQiOjE2NTg[...]cm5hbWUiOiJkZW1vLWRlIn0.VTVp[...]cqIg'
Response (Success)
200 OK { "data": { "id": 2, "nr": "321", "date_time": null, "archived_at": "2022-08-10T00:00:00+02:00", "policy": { "id": 20305, "nr": "15.335.064" }, "branch": { "name_e": "Motor vehicle", "name_f": "Véhicule automobile", "name_i": "Veicolo a motore", "short_name": "MF", "short_name_e": "MF", "short_name_f": "MF", "short_name_i": "MF", "id": 34, "name": "Motorfahrzeug" }, "status": { "name_e": "open", "name_f": "ouvert", "name_i": "aperto", "id": 1, "name": "offen" }, "registration_date": "2022-08-17T00:00:00+02:00", "limitation_date": null, "due_date": null, "damage_costs": "231.00", "info": "123123", "post_code": null, "city": null, "address": null, "situation": "123123", "policy_report": false, "reporter": null, "agency_deductible": null, "deductible": null, "foreign_deductible": null, "foreign_damage_costs": null, "coverage_disability": null, "waiting_period": null, "daily_allowance": null, "country": { "name_e": "Switzerland", "name_f": "Suisse", "name_i": "Svizzera", "id": 1, "name": "Schweiz" } }, "status": 200 }
Response (Error)
404 Not found { "error": "Entity not found", "code": 404 }
Response (Error)
403 Forbidden { "error": "You have no access to claim id:123", "code": 403 }
Or one of
- API: _ Default behavior #Authentication defaults
Create Claim
POST /api/v3/claim
Request parameter:
Parameter | Type | In | Description |
policy | int | url | id of Policy of the claim |
Response data:
Metadata: object.
Parameter | Type | Description |
status | int | Response status (same as in http code) |
Data: object.data
Parameter | Out Type | In Type | Used for Branch short name | Description |
All of Get one claim + | ||||
driver_is_insurant | int|null | int(0|1)|null | MF | Is driver insurant (0=no,1=yes) |
driver_country | array | int|null | MF | Drivers country |
driver_country[id] | int|null | Drivers country id | ||
driver_country[name] | string|null | Drivers country name in DE language | ||
driver_country[name_e] | string|null | Drivers country name in EN language | ||
driver_country[name_i] | string|null | Drivers country name in IT language | ||
driver_country[name_f] | string|null | Drivers country name in FR language | ||
driver_sex | int|null | int(0|1)|null | MF | Drivers sex (0=woman,1=man) |
driver_first_name | string|null | string(255)|null | MF | |
driver_birthdate | string(date)|null | string(date)|null | MF | Birth date of driver |
driver_licence_date | string(date)|null | string(date)|null | MF | Driver licence date |
driver_address | string|null | string(255)|null | MF | Driver address |
driver_post_code | string|null | string(30)|null | MF | Driver post code |
driver_city | string|null | string(50)|null | MF | Driver city |
driver_car | array | int|null | MF | Driver car |
driver_car[id] | int|null | Driver car id | ||
driver_car[name] | string|null | Driver car name | ||
repair_shop_company | string|null | string(255)|null | MF | Repair shop company name |
repair_shop_post_code | string|null | string(10)|null | MF | Repair shop post code |
repair_shop_city | string|null | string(30)|null | MF | Repair shop city |
repair_shop_phone | string|null | string(30)|null | MF | Repair shop phone |
repair_shop_date | string(date)|null | string(date)|null | MF | Repair shop date send |
accident_log | int|null | int(0|1)|null | MF | Accident log (0=no,1=yes) |
responsible | int|null | int(0|1)|null | MF | Responsible (0=no,1=yes) |
involved_person_sex | int|null | int(0|1)|null | MF | Involved person sex (0=woman,1=man) |
involved_person_first_name | string|null | string(255)|null | MF | Involved person first name |
involved_person_last_name | string|null | string(255)|null | MF | Involved person last name |
involved_person_address | string|null | string(65534)|null | MF | Involved person address |
involved_person_post_code | string|null | string(10)|null | MF | Involved person post code |
involved_person_city | string|null | string(255)|null | MF | Involved person city |
involved_person_phone | string|null | string(30)|null | MF | Involved person phone |
involved_person_assurance | string|null | string|null | MF | Involved person assurance |
involved_person_car_typ | string|null | string(255)|null | MF | Involved person car typ |
involved_person_car_nr | string|null | string(255)|null | MF | Involved person car br |
is_other_involved_persons | int|null | int(0|1)|null | MF | Is other involved persons (0=no,1=yes) |
damage_other | string|null | string(2000)|null | SACH | Damage other |
damage_other_costs | string|null | float(10,2)|null | SACH | Damage other costs |
damage_building | string|null | string(2000)|null | SACH | Damage building |
damage_building_costs | string|null | float(10,2)|null | SACH | Damage building cots |
damage_outfall | string|null | string(2000)|null | SACH | Damage outfall |
damage_outfall_costs | string|null | float(10,2)|null | SACH | Damage outfall costs |
damage_outfall_is_assured | int|null | int(0|1)|null | SACH | Damage outfall is assured |
damage_outfall_assurance | string|null | string(255)|null | SACH | Damage outfall assurance |
inspection_place | string|null | string(65534)|null | SACH, TRSP, PH | Inspection_place |
car_nr | string|null | string(255)|null | TRSP | Car nr |
car_typ | string|null | string(255)|null | TRSP | Car typ |
car_driver | string|null | string(255)|null | TRSP | Car driver |
transport_from | string|null | string(255)|null | TRSP | Transport from |
transport_to | string|null | string(255)|null | TRSP | Transport to |
delivery_date_time | string(date time)|null | string(date time)|null | TRSP | Delivery date time |
condition_before_delivery | string|null | string(2000)|null | TRSP | Condition before delivery |
salary_interval | array | int|null | KTG, UVG | Salary interval |
salary_interval[id] | int|null | Salary interval id | ||
salary_interval[name] | string|null | Salary interval name in DE language | ||
salary_interval[name_e] | string|null | Salary interval name in EN language | ||
salary_interval[name_i] | string|null | Salary interval name in IT language | ||
salary_interval[name_f] | string|null | Salary interval name in FR language | ||
hiring_date | string(date)|null | string(date)|null | KTG, UVG | Hiring date |
profession | string|null | string(255)|null | KTG, UVG | Profession |
job_function | string|null | string(255)|null | KTG, UVG | Job function |
begin | string(date)|null | string(date)|null | KTG | Begin date |
end | string(date)|null | string(date)|null | KTG | End date |
days_per_week | string|null | int|null | KTG, UVG | Worked days per week |
hours_per_week | string|null | int|null | KTG, UVG | Worked hours per week |
work_time | string|null | string(h:m)|null | KTG, UVG | Work time (hours:minutes = 8:30) 8h 30m |
salary | string|null | float(10,2)|null | KTG, UVG | Salary |
accident_place | string|null | string(1000)|null | UVG | Accident place |
accident_at_work | int|null | int(0|1)|null | UVG | Accident at work (0=no,1=yes) |
injury | string|null | string(1000)|null | UVG | Injury |
unable_to_work | int|null | int(0|1)|null | UVG | Unable to work |
unable_to_work_until | string(date)|null | string(date)|null | UVG | Unable to work untill |
max_pay | string|null | float(12,2)|null | UVG | Max pay |
is_self_debt | int|null | int(0|1)|null | PH | Is self debt (0=no,1=yes) |
self_debt_base | string|null | string(1000)|null | PH | Self debt base |
is_assured | int|null | int(0|1)|null | PH | Is assured (0=no,1=yes) |
assurance | string|null | string(255)|null | PH | Assurance |
Additional setup | ||||
_sendMail | bool | bool|null | Default = false, If true - if success maill will be send to contact and to related advisors. |
Response (Error):
Parameter | Type | Description |
code | integer | An error code |
error | string | A message containing some information about the error |
errors | array | List of errors devided by field in associative array {field_name:error message} |
curl -X POST https://public.brokerstar.biz/api/v3/claim -d '{ "policy":20305, "status": 2, "nr":"123", "country": 1, "driver_country":1, "driver_birthdate": "2001-07-12", "driver_is_insurant":1, "work_time":"23:121", "damage_costs":123.31, "created_from":"BrokerWeb:4.12", "_sendMail": true }' --header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9.eyJpYXQiOjE2NTg[...]cm5hbWUiOiJkZW1vLWRlIn0.VTVp[...]cqIg' -
Response (Success)
200 OK { "data": { "id": 2, }, "status": 200 }
Response (Error)
403 Forbidden { "error": "You have no access to policy id:123", "code": 403 }
Or one of
- API: _ Default behavior #Authentication defaults
POST /api/v3/claim/inform-insurances/{id}
Request parameter:
Parameter | Mandatory | In Type | Description |
id | yes | url | id of claim |
Additional setup | |||
_sendMail | no | bool | Default = false, If true - if success mail will be send to contact and to related advisors. |
Response data:
Parameter | Type | Description |
status | int | Response status code (same as in http code) |
Response (Error):
Parameter | Type | Description |
code | integer | An error code |
error | string | A message containing some information about the error |
errors | array | List of errors devided by field in associative array {field_name:error message} |
curl -X GET https://public.brokerstar.biz/api/v3/claim/inform-insurances/420 -d '{ "_sendMail": true }'
Response (Error)
403 Forbidden { "error": "You have no access to claim id:420", "code": 403 }
Response (Success)
200 OK { "status": 200 }
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