API: Bill
API: Bill
GET /api/v3/bill
Filtering parameters:
Parameter | Type | IN | Example | Description |
contact | integer | QUERY | filters[contact]=34 | Filtering by contact id = value |
API: _ Default behavior #List defaults
Response data:
Metadata: object.
Parameter | Type | Description |
count | int | Number of all results marching criteria |
status | int | Response status (same as in http code) |
Data: object.data[array]
Parameter | Type | Description |
id | integer | Bill id |
nr_ref | string|null | Bill reference number |
title | string|null | Bill title |
status | array | Bill status |
status[id] | integer|null | Status id |
status[name] | string|null | Status name in DE language |
status[name_e] | string|null | Status name in EN language |
status[name_i] | string|null | Status name in IT language |
status[name_f] | string|null | Status name in FR language |
type | array | Bill type |
type[id] | integer|null | Type id |
type[name] | string|null | Type name in DE language |
type[name_e] | string|null | Type name in EN language |
type[name_i] | string|null | Type name in IT language |
type[name_f] | string|null | Type name in FR language |
bill_status | array | Status data |
bill_status[id] | integer|null | Status id |
bill_status[date] | string|null | Status set up date |
bill_status[date_valid_to] | string|null | Status valid to date |
total_net | float | Total value netto |
total | float | Total value |
show_vat | integer | Does it use vat |
include_vat | boolean | Does total include vat |
contact | array | Policy API: Contact data |
contact[id] | integer|null | Contact id |
contact[name] | string|null | Contact name |
contact[name_1] | string|null | Contact first name |
contact[name_2] | string|null | Contact last name |
Response (Error):
Parameter | Type | Description |
code | integer | An error code |
error | string | A message containing some information about the error |
errors | array | List of errors devided by field in associative array {field_name:error message} |
API: _ Default behavior #Authentication defaults
curl -X GET https://public.brokerstar.biz/api/v3/bill --header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9.eyJpYXQiOjE2NTg[...]cm5hbWUiOiJkZW1vLWRlIn0.VTVp[...]cqIg'
Response (Success)
{ "count": 1, "data": [ { "nr_ref": 490134, "title": "Mitgliederbeitrag", "status": { "name_e": "Offer in the works", "name_f": "Offre en activité", "name_i": "Offerta in fase di trattamento", "id": 10, "name": "Offerte in Arbeit" }, "type": { "name_e": "Invoice", "name_f": "Facture", "name_i": "Fattura", "id": 2, "name": "Rechnung" }, "bill_status": { "date_valid_to": "2024-06-24T00:00:00+02:00", "id": 857, "date": "2024-06-24T00:00:00+02:00" }, "total_net": 100, "total": 100, "show_vat": 1, "include_vat": true, "contact": { "name": "Adsd Maciej ASD ", "name_1": "Adsd Maciej ASD", "name_2": null, "id": 258 }, "id": 527 } ], "status": 200 }
Or one of
- API: _ Default behavior #Authentication defaults
- API: _ Default behavior #List defaults
GET /api/v3/bill/{id}
Request parameter:
Parameter | Type | In | Description |
id | int | url | id of requested policy |
Response data:
Metadata: object.
Parameter | Type | Description |
status | int | Response status (same as in http code) |
Data: object.data
Parameter | Type | Description |
All columns from single bill + | ||
valuta | string | Valuta date |
currency | array | Bill payment type |
currency[id] | integer|null | Currency type id |
currency[name] | string|null | Currency name |
currency[round_factor] | float|null | Currency rounding factor |
client_bank_account | array | Client bank account |
client_bank_account[id] | integer|null | Bank account id |
client_bank_account[bc_nr] | string|null | Bank account bc number |
client_bank_account[bank_name] | string|null | Bank account bank name |
client_bank_account[bank_name_add] | string|null | Bank account bank name addition |
client_bank_account[bank_nr] | string|null | Bank account bank number |
client_bank_account[account_nr] | string|null | Bank account - account number |
client_bank_account[iban_nr] | string|null | Bank account IBAN number |
logopaper | array | Bill logopaper setup |
logopaper[id] | integer|null | Logopaper id |
logopaper[name] | string|null | Logopaper name |
category | array | Bill category |
category[id] | integer|null | category id |
category[name] | string|null | category name in DE language |
category[name_e] | string|null | category name in EN language |
category[name_i] | string|null | category name in IT language |
category[name_f] | string|null | category name in FR language |
policy_payment_type | array | Bill policy payment type |
policy_payment_type[id] | integer|null | Payment type id |
policy_payment_type[name] | string|null | Payment type name in DE language |
policy_payment_type[name_e] | string|null | Payment type name in EN language |
policy_payment_type[name_i] | string|null | Payment type name in IT language |
policy_payment_type[name_f] | string|null | Payment type name in FR language |
client_advisor | array | Client advisor API: User |
client_advisor[id] | integer|null | Client advisor id |
client_advisor[first_name] | string|null | Client advisor first name |
client_advisor[last_name] | string|null | Client advisor last name |
contact_person | array | Contact person API: Contact data |
contact_person[id] | integer|null | Contact person id |
contact_person[name] | string|null | Contact person name |
contact_person[name_1] | string|null | Contact person first name |
contact_person[name_2] | string|null | Contact person last name |
project | array | Bill related project |
project[id] | integer|null | Project id |
project[title] | string|null | Project title |
reference_info | string|null | Bill reference infomations |
reminder_fee | float | Reminder fee |
default_interest | float | Default interest |
default_interest_rate | float | Default interest rate |
Response (Error):
Parameter | Type | Description |
code | integer | An error code |
error | string | A message containing some information about the error |
errors | array | List of errors devided by field in associative array {field_name:error message} |
curl -X GET https://public.brokerstar.biz/api/v3/bill/16448 --header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9.eyJpYXQiOjE2NTg[...]cm5hbWUiOiJkZW1vLWRlIn0.VTVp[...]cqIg'
Response (Success)
200 OK { "data": { "nr_ref": 490134, "title": "Mitgliederbeitrag", "status": { "name_e": "Offer in the works", "name_f": "Offre en activité", "name_i": "Offerta in fase di trattamento", "id": 10, "name": "Offerte in Arbeit" }, "type": { "name_e": "Invoice", "name_f": "Facture", "name_i": "Fattura", "id": 2, "name": "Rechnung" }, "bill_status": { "date_valid_to": "2024-06-24T00:00:00+02:00", "id": 857, "date": "2024-06-24T00:00:00+02:00" }, "valuta": "2020-01-01T00:00:00+01:00", "currency": { "round_factor": 0.05, "id": 1, "name": "CHF" }, "client_bank_account": { "bc_nr": "233", "bank_name": "UBS", "bank_name_add": "UBS-QR", "bank_nr": "UBSWCHZH80A", "account_nr": "233-774943.01 P", "iban_nr": "CH74 0023 3233 7749 4301 P", "id": 3 }, "logopaper": { "id": 1, "name": "Standard" }, "category": { "name_e": null, "name_f": null, "name_i": null, "id": null, "name": null }, "total_net": 100, "total": 100, "policy_payment_type": { "name_e": "Monthly", "name_f": "Mensuel", "name_i": "Mensile", "id": 5, "name": "Monatlich" }, "show_vat": 1, "include_vat": true, "client_advisor": { "first_name": "WMC", "last_name": "WMC", "id": 1 }, "contact": { "name": "Adsd Maciej ASD ", "name_1": "Adsd Maciej ASD", "name_2": null, "id": 258 }, "contact_person": { "name": null, "name_1": null, "name_2": null, "id": null }, "project": { "title": null, "id": null }, "reference_info": "01.01.2020 - 31.01.2020", "id": 527, "reminder_fee": 0, "default_interest": 0, "default_interest_rate": 0 }, "status": 200 }
Response (Error)
404 Not found { "error": "Entity not found", "code": 404 }
Response (Error)
403 Forbidden { "error": "You have no access to bill id:123", "code": 403 }
Or one of
- API: _ Default behavior #Authentication defaults
, multiple selections available,
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