API: Tender

API: Tender

Tender list

JWT Authorisation

GET /api/v3/tender

Request parameter:

Filtering parameters:

branchintegerQUERYfilters[branch]=34Filtering by branch id = value
contactintegerQUERYfilters[contact]=123Filtering by tender insured contact id = value
policyintegerQUERYfilters[policy]=334Filtering by policy id = value
statusintegerQUERYfilters[status]=2Filtering tender status id = value

API: _ Default behavior #List defaults

Response data:

Metadata: object.

countintNumber of all results marching criteria 
statusintResponse status (same as in http code)

Data:  object.data[array]

idintegerTender id
contactarrayTender API: Contact data
contact[id]integer|nullContact id
contact[name]string|nullContact name
contact[name_1]string|nullContact first name
contact[name_2]string|nullContact last name
brancharrayAPI: Branch
branch[id]integer|nullBranch id
branch[name]string|nullBranch name in DE language
branch[name_e]string|nullBranch name in EN language
branch[name_i]string|nullBranch name in IT language
branch[name_f]string|nullBranch name in FR language
branch[short_name]string|nullBranch short-name in DE language
branch[short_name_e]string|nullBranch short-name in EN language
branch[short_name_i]string|nullBranch short-name in IT language
branch[short_name_f]string|nullBranch short-name in FR language
statusarrayTender status
status[id]integer|nullStatus id
status[name]string|nullStatus name in DE language
status[name_e]string|nullStatus name in EN language
status[name_i]string|nullStatus name in IT language
status[name_f]string|nullStatus name in FR language

Response (Error):

codeintegerAn error code
errorstringA message containing some information about the error 
errorsarrayList of errors devided by field in associative array {field_name:error message}

API: _ Default behavior #Authentication defaults 

curl -X GET https://public.brokerstar.biz/api/v3/tender --header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9.eyJpYXQiOjE2NTg[...]cm5hbWUiOiJkZW1vLWRlIn0.VTVp[...]cqIg'

Response (Success)
200 OK   
    "count": "1",
    "data": [
            "contact": {
                "name": "Allianz Suisse Versicherungs-Gesellschaft AG",
                "name_1": "Allianz Suisse",
                "name_2": "Versicherungs-Gesellschaft AG",
                "id": 4
            "status": {
                "name_e": "open",
                "name_f": "ouvert",
                "name_i": "aperto",
                "id": 1,
                "name": "offen"
            "branch": {
                "name_e": "General technical equipment insurance",
                "name_f": "Assurance des installations techniques (IT)",
                "name_i": "Assicurazione di impianti tecnici",
                "short_name": "ATA",
                "short_name_e": "ATA",
                "short_name_f": "ATA",
                "short_name_i": "ATA",
                "id": 1,
                "name": "Allg. Technische Anlagen"
            "id": 2
    "status": 200

Or one of 

Single Tender

JWT Authorisation

GET /api/v3/tender/{id}

Request parameter:

idinturlid of requested policy

Response data:

Metadata: object.

statusintResponse status (same as in http code)

Data:  object.data

All columns from all tenders +

Response (Error):

codeintegerAn error code
errorstringA message containing some information about the error 
errorsarrayList of errors devided by field in associative array {field_name:error message}
curl -X GET https://public.brokerstar.biz/api/v3/tender/16448 --header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9.eyJpYXQiOjE2NTg[...]cm5hbWUiOiJkZW1vLWRlIn0.VTVp[...]cqIg'

Response (Success)
200 OK 
    "data": {         {
         "contact": {
             "name": "Allianz Suisse Versicherungs-Gesellschaft AG",
             "name_1": "Allianz Suisse",
             "name_2": "Versicherungs-Gesellschaft AG",
             "id": 4
         "status": {
             "name_e": "open",
             "name_f": "ouvert",
             "name_i": "aperto",
             "id": 1,
             "name": "offen"
         "branch": {
             "name_e": "General technical equipment insurance",
             "name_f": "Assurance des installations techniques (IT)",
             "name_i": "Assicurazione di impianti tecnici",
             "short_name": "ATA",
             "short_name_e": "ATA",
             "short_name_f": "ATA",
             "short_name_i": "ATA",
             "id": 1,
             "name": "Allg. Technische Anlagen"
         "id": 2
    "status": 200
Response (Error)
404 Not found
	"error": "Entity not found",
	"code": 404
Response (Error)
403 Forbidden
	"error": "You have no access to contact id:123",
	"code": 403

Or one of 

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