Lloyds / Own products

Lloyds / Own products

The BrokerStar Lloyd's Swiss Brokers Edition was created for the special needs of Lloyds Swiss Brokers. It fulfils the specific requirements for coverholders, underwriters and open market correspondents in Switzerland.


Before you start with the setup and configuration, you should have the specifications from Lloyds.

  • Swiss Broker Number
    The number allocated by Lloyd's Zurich to the Swiss broker/coverholder.

  • Cover Number  (Text – CR0006 Agreement Number)
    The reference by which the binding authority or Open Market policy is known. This is the number allocated by Lloyd’s Zurich.

  • Insurance Type  (Number 3-digit)
    The relevant code for the branch of insurance, as allocated by Lloyd’s Zurich.
    For details see Lloyds document: LIST OF BRANCHES OF INSURANCE

  • Lloyd’s Risk Code  (Text 1 or 2 digits)
    The relevant code for the branch of insurance.
    this code is optional and must be requested from Lloyds

The following documentation uses the example of D&O to show which data must be stored so that the Lloyds report WRITTEN or PAID can be issued.

As the master data builds on each other, the entry is documented in the appropriate order.

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